Alles over kunst

Essay | Inzicht  HART Nr. 203

The Joys and Perils of Tasting Exhibitions

Sue  Spaid

Praktische info
  • Bureau d’Alimentation, nomadic tasting discussions, BE, since 2018
  • Disgusting Food Museum, Malmö, SE, since 2018
  • “Lagunophorie,” Thalie Lab, Brussels, BE, ongoing since 2019
  • “Food: Bigger than the Plate,” Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK, 18 May - 20 October 2019
  • Ecole Mondiale, ‘Fieldstation Time’, “The Work of Time,” Z33, Hasselt, BE, through 10 May 2020
  • “Amuse-Bouche. The Taste of Art,” Tinguely Museum, Basel, CH, through 26 July 2020
  • “Alles voor de Vorm,” Museum M, Leuven, BE, through 30 May 2021

Nu ons sociaal leven zowat plat ligt en velen onder ons hun culinair talent (her)ontdekken, leek het ons het ideale moment om het onderstaande essay te publiceren dat Sue Spaid schreef naar aanleiding van de tentoonstelling Amuse-Bouche. The Taste of Art in het Tinguely Museum in Basel en een reeks expo’s met een gelijkaardig thema.

Given the foodie-craze, it’s hardly surprising that tasting opportunities draw tourists and scholars alike. Taste (salty, sweet, bitter, sour and umami), as compared to flavour, is the faint sensation that remains when one pinches one’s nose while chewing. Since 2018, Bureau d’Alimentation has been serving thematic suppers (past meals have included foraged food and ‘kaa plaa’ at Netwerk Aalst and TV dinners at KVS) to spark public discussions about food. A year later, philosopher of fea…

Installation view with works by Slavs and Tatars, Brine & Punishment, 2019 (front) and Pickle Tits, 2018 © 2020 Museum Tinguely, Basel; photo: Gina Folly